
  1. Laravel
  2. Shared Hosting
Sometimes, shared hosting must be used that does not permit the installation of supervisor to run the queue worker. A typical example of these are servers deployed with Cpanel access only. One approach for non-time-sensitive queue work (such as sending emails) is to add a task to the scheduler that starts the queue worker every […]
  1. Best Practices
  2. Deployment
  3. Laravel
I have faced RDS connection issues a lot. Cause AWS RDS used a different env variable rather than the Laravel default one for MySQL connection. So what is the best way to resolve the issue? Add this code on the top of your /config/database.php And change your MySQL connection to: Great! You are done! If […]
  1. Laravel
Laravel provide a rich set of pre-bult validation rules. If you need to validate alpha – numeric value you can use – alpha The field under validation must be entirely alphabetic characters. alpha_dash The field under validation may have alpha-numeric characters, as well as dashes and underscores. alpha_num The field under validation must be entirely […]
  1. Laravel
Using Controller -> Service -> Repository -> Model pattern, we need to use custom service & repository class. By default Laravel included make:model & make:controller command. But to generate Service & Repository class, we need to create custom commands to generate these classes. So Let’s start. Service Class generator command 1st we need to generate […]

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Using Controller -> Service -> Repository -> Model pattern, we need to use custom service & repository class. By default Laravel included make:model & make:controller command. But to generate Service & Repository class, we need to create custom commands to generate these classes. So Let’s start. Service Class generator command 1st we need to generate […]


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